Nu Cobalt Clip-Shape Liner Coping Strips for Above Ground Swimming Pools

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  • Regular price $42.40
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Replace the coping strips every time you replace an Overlap Pool Liner.
Throw out those old, worn out coping strips and replace them with new ones. If you don't you are risking a short life for all new pool liners. These plastic, non-corrosive clips hold your liner in place on the pool wall before re-installing the top rail.

Each Coping is of length 2 ft long for easy fit and installation with installation aid
The products come with different number of strips for different size of above ground pools.

Package 1 (26 coping) for 12ft round, 15ft round, 16ft round, 10x15ft oval, 12x18ft oval
                   Shipping weight (lb): 2.3
Package 2 (35 coping) for 18ft round, 21ft round, 12x24ft oval, 15x24ft oval, 15x25ft oval
                   Shipping weight (lb): 2.6
Package 3 (39 coping) for 24ft round, 15x30ft oval, 16x24ft oval
                   Shipping weight (lb): 3.3
Package 4 (45 coping) for 27ft round, 28ft round, 16x32ft oval, 18x33ft oval
                   Shipping weight (lb): 4.0
Package 5 (54 coping) for 30ft round, 33ft round, 18x34ft oval, 21x41ft oval
                   Shipping weight (lb): 4.8